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Workshop on Causal Inference and Extrapolation

I have been helping the Global Priorities Institute at the University of Oxford organize a workshop on new approaches in causal inference and extrapolation, coming up March 16-17. It is pretty small, with a lot of breaks to facilitate good discussion (designed with SITE in mind as a model). As it is just before the annual conference of the Centre for the Study of African Economies, we are hoping others can make it, especially to the keynote, which is on the evening before the CSAE conference begins and is open to all. I’m really excited about both the institute and the workshop and hope that this becomes an annual event in some way, shape or form.

If you will be in town and would like to attend but have not signed up, please let me know. The programme is here.

Edit: site appears to be down (too much traffic?), so I am uploading a copy of the programme here.


  • Reply vivalt |

    Hi Pablo,

    Great! We still have space for the Friday, although not the Saturday (except for the keynote). I’ll e-mail to follow up.

