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Research funding committees

I am glad to be part of the Social Science Meta-Analysis and Research Transparency (SSMART) review committee for its next round of projects. A total of $230,000 is available in grants of up to $30,000.

I am also excited to be on an oversight committee put together by ACE to assist their newly hired research officer Greg Boese in making decisions about which research to fund. TJ Mather and Maxmind have pledged $1,000,000 over the next three years to investigate the most effective ways to help animals, an area in which very little research exists. The people on the committee are very impressive and I look forward to working with them!

Research committees can be fun, because you get to stay apprised of all the new and exciting projects before they happen. They are also a great form of effective altruism; 80,000 Hours often recommends the somewhat similar work of a foundation grantmaker.

I am very excited to see what comes out of these initiatives.

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